Pros and Cons of Provisional Patent Applications

Inventors who wish to receive a patent on their invention and the patent attorneys who represent them are faced with deciding which type of patent application to file. When seeking protection for the way the invention is used and how it works (versus how it looks), an inventor may decide to start by filing a provisional application or they may …

Design Patent Protection for Jewelry Designs

Design patents tend to get overlooked as a means of protection for jewelry designs. This may be a result of the stigma associated with patents as being very costly and taking very long to obtain. However, design patents are substantially less expensive and take a shorter period of time to obtain than utility patents and as such can be a …

News: Top 40 Under 40 Intellectual Property Lawyers NY

News 1/25/2017   We are proud to announce that our Managing Attorney, Kristin Grant, was selected for inclusion in the American Society of Legal Advocates’ list of the Top 40 Under 40 Intellectual Property Lawyers in New York State. American Society of Legal Advocates is an invitation-only legal organization. The Top 40 under 40 award identifies attorneys who combine excellent …

News: 2016 New York Metro Rising Star

News 5/13/2016 We are proud to announce that our Managing Attorney, Kristin Grant, was selected for inclusion in the Super Lawyers 2016 New York Metro Rising Stars list. The Rising Star distinction is given to only 2.5% of attorneys in the New York Metro area. Super Lawyers rates outstanding lawyers from several practice areas who have attained a high-degree of recognition and …