Important Information Regarding Trademark Scams

Trademark owners should be aware of the existence of trademark scams. These scams include letters, emails, and phone calls designed to appear as if they are coming from an official source or agency, even from the United States Patent & Trademark Office, fraudulently attempting to obtain payments from trademark owners.  It is important to be aware of how to identify …

What You Should Know About the Patent Disclosure and On Sale Bars

The journey to securing a patent is fraught with legal nuances and requirements. Two significant considerations that can impact the patentability of an invention are the “public disclosure” and “on-sale” bars.  What Is the Public Disclosure Bar For Patent Applications?  One of the fundamental principles governing patent eligibility is the requirement of novelty. An invention must be novel, meaning it …

Do You Need a Copyright, Trademark, or Patent?

Copyrights, trademarks, and patents are different types of intellectual property. It is important to know the differences between them in developing a protection strategy.  What is a Copyright?  A copyright is a type of intellectual property that protects original creative works. A copyright owner has the exclusive right to reproduce, adapt, publish, perform, and display the original works, as well …