Trademark application post-filing solicitations by private companies are very common and can result in an applicant unwittingly paying money to a non-USPTO entity. These private companies are not affiliated with the United States Patent and Trademark Office but their names tend to somewhat resemble the USPTO’s name. A few examples of these solicitations include requests for fees for publication of …
News: Top 40 Under 40 Intellectual Property Lawyers NY
News 1/25/2017 We are proud to announce that our Managing Attorney, Kristin Grant, was selected for inclusion in the American Society of Legal Advocates’ list of the Top 40 Under 40 Intellectual Property Lawyers in New York State. American Society of Legal Advocates is an invitation-only legal organization. The Top 40 under 40 award identifies attorneys who combine excellent …
Grant Attorneys Speak to NYLS Fashion Law Class
News 11/29/16 Kristin and Nicoletta had the opportunity to speak to the Fall 2016 Fashion Law class at New York Law School. The panel focused on their career paths, current trends in intellectual property law and the job market for recent graduates. Request one of our attorneys for a speaking engagement via our contact us page.
Brexit and Your IP Rights
On June 23, 2016 Britain voted in favor of leaving the European Union. However, Britain’s exit from the European Union, coined as “Brexit,” will be no small feat. According to Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty the separation may not take effect for a few years while an exit agreement is being negotiated. Thus, the vote will have no immediate …
Use of Third Party Trademarks
U.S trademark laws require trademark owners to actively enforce their rights or risk losing them. As such, mark owners are obligated to employ solid enforcement strategies in an effort to enforce their rights against potential infringers. Despite having strong enforcement strategies, there have been instances where third parties have escaped liability for use of a mark without the mark owner’s …
News: 2016 New York Metro Rising Star
News 5/13/2016 We are proud to announce that our Managing Attorney, Kristin Grant, was selected for inclusion in the Super Lawyers 2016 New York Metro Rising Stars list. The Rising Star distinction is given to only 2.5% of attorneys in the New York Metro area. Super Lawyers rates outstanding lawyers from several practice areas who have attained a high-degree of recognition and …