A strong trademark can be a tremendous asset to a business. Trademarks are generally categorized as fanciful, arbitrary, suggestive, descriptive, or generic, from strongest to weakest. Descriptive marks fall on the weaker end of the spectrum but can be valuable when used after careful consideration of the risks and benefits. When selecting a trademark, one that conveys information about the …
The Importance of Enrolling in a Trademark Watch Service
While trademark registration is a crucial initial step in protecting intellectual property, ongoing vigilance is essential to maintain and enforce these rights. Trademark watch services play a vital role in this continuous protection strategy, offering businesses a proactive approach to safeguarding their brand assets. What is a Trademark Watch Service? A trademark watch service is a monitoring system that actively …
Considerations When Conducting Trademark Searches for Word Marks vs. Stylized Marks
Conducting a trademark search is an important step when launching a brand. A trademark clearance search can uncover potential risks that could result in future conflicts and expensive litigation. While a search may be conducted for any type of mark, there are some additional considerations when clearing a stylized trademark versus a word mark. What is a Word Mark? A …
Trademark Cancellation Proceedings vs. Opposition Proceedings – What is the Difference?
Trademark cancellation and opposition proceedings are initiated by parties who believe they will be or are harmed by the registration of a certain trademark. The Trademark Trial and Appeal Board (TTAB) of the USPTO adjudicates these proceedings. The main difference between the two proceedings is that cancellation proceedings are filed against existing registrations and opposition proceedings are filed against pending …
The Role of Intellectual Property in Protecting Innovation
Intellectual property is often the most valuable asset of a business. Intellectual property laws play a significant role in promoting and protecting innovation by affording legal rights to creators, inventors, and businesses to their inventions, brands, works of authorship, and trade secrets. The Importance of Intellectual Property For Your Business Intellectual property protection can enhance a business’s valuation and attractiveness …
Can You Obtain a Trademark Registration For a Sound?
Certain sounds, that utilize auditory elements including music notes and voices, may be protectable under US trademark law. These marks are referred to as sound marks. A sound mark refers to distinguishing audio that companies or businesses use to set themselves and their products apart in the marketplace, similar to a word or design trademark. Some well-known sound marks include the …
The Implications For Brand Owners and Businesses of the Supreme Court Decision in Jack Daniels Properties Inc. v. VIP Products LLC
The recent Supreme Court decision in Jack Daniels Properties Inc. v. VIP Products LLC, may have lasting impacts on trademark adoption and enforcement strategies of brand owners and businesses. VIP Products, which sells dog toys, created a dog toy that looked remarkably similar to a bottle of Jack Daniel’s Whiskey. Jack Daniel’s sued VIP for infringement of their trade dress …
What to Do If Someone is Infringing on Your Trademark
Trademark infringement is the unauthorized use of a trademark or a service mark on or in connection with goods or services in a manner that is likely to cause confusion as to the source of the goods or services. Trademark infringement can result in the loss of goodwill in a brand, the weakening of the brand’s recognition, and the loss …
Who Should Be Listed as the Proper Owner of a Trademark Application?
A trademark application must properly identify the correct owner of the trademark. Not doing so may invalidate the application or resulting registration. There may be no remedy for listing the wrong owner of a trademark on an application, other than starting the entire process over. Whether you are an individual, own your own business, are in a partnership, or belong …
Important Information Regarding Trademark Scams
Trademark owners should be aware of the existence of trademark scams. These scams include letters, emails, and phone calls designed to appear as if they are coming from an official source or agency, even from the United States Patent & Trademark Office, fraudulently attempting to obtain payments from trademark owners. It is important to be aware of how to identify …