Case Studies

Forging ahead, challenging the norm, breaking barriers.

At Grant Attorneys at Law we find creative solutions to achieve our client's goals. 



Large multinational hospitality company regains rights to its trademark in the US, but not without a fight

We represented our client, a well-known multinational hospitality company, in a trademark cancellation proceeding. After our client’s US trademark application inadvertently lapsed, a third party applied for and obtained registration for the identical mark in relation to identical services. Anxious and eager to continue its expansion into the US, our client expressed the need to regain its rights.

The trademark litigation team at Grant conducted research and developed a strategy  for our client to regain its rights. Our research revealed a path forward and a reasonable basis for seeking cancellation of the registrant's mark. We took an aggressive approach finding potentially fatal flaws in the respondent's arguments and evidence. We used those flaws as leverage to add claims to the proceeding.

Ultimately, the registrant's trademark registration was cancelled. 

Multi-talented entertainer stops famous TV personality from using a similar stage name without authorization 

Our client, a mutli-talented entertainer, became aware of a famous TV personality who adopted, and submitted a US trademark application for, a stage name similar to hers. Our client had used her stage name for years and developed a sizeable fanbase. She was eager to protect it from being usurped by another celebrity who was associated with and supported by a global media company.

Grant’s trademark litigation team took an aggressive approach against the celebrity and global media company. Based on our client’s longstanding and earlier use of her stage name, we demanded the celebrity cease use of the stage name and abandon the pending US trademark application.

Ultimately, the celebrity agreed to change her stage name and abandon her pending trademark application. Our client has been able to focus on her new projects and continue to grow her fanbase under her stage name. 

Start Up preserves its right to the continued use and registration of its trademark after facing a challenge from a famous US retailer with a global footprint

Our client is a startup whose newly adopted trademark was challenged by a well-known US retailer with a history of aggressively enforcing its trademarks. Our client’s use of its trademark was wholly unrelated to the US retailer’s business.

Grant’s trademark litigation team conducted research and determined that the retailer’s demands were beyond any scope of protection they could claim in their mark. We recommended to our client that we push back on the US retailer’s demands. We leveraged the weaknesses in the US retailer’s claims and successfully negotiated a settlement that enabled our client to continue to grow its business and seek registration of its trademark

Large coffee cooperative receives favorable ruling from WIPO, securing  domains used by third-party bad faith actor 

We represented our client, a large coffee cooperative, in a Uniform Dispute Resolution Proceeding (UDRP).  Our client discovered that a domain name very similar to their trademark had been registered by a third party. This domain was being used to host a website that featured sexually explicit content. Our trademark litigation team compiled extensive evidence of our client's trademark rights and demonstrated the registrant's bad faith. As a result, the domain name was transferred to our client, effectively ending the harm to our client's brand.

Award winning photographer compensated by a well-known organization for its unauthorized use of her photo

Our client, an award winning photographer whose portfolio includes work for major publications and brands, discovered that one of her photos was used without her permission by a well-known organization, which presents itself as one that supports artists. After our client reached out to the organization directly and was not able to receive a substantive response or reach a resolution, she reached out to us to help.

Our copyright litigation team suggested an out of the box approach. When multiple attempts to reach a resolution that would adequately compensate our client went unanswered, rather than engaging in expensive litigation, our copyright litigation team worked with our client to utilize social media to call attention to the organization’s actions. This resulted in a swift response from the organization. Our team was successful in obtaining a resolution for our client, which compensated her for the use of her photo